AI-Assisted Developer Workflows

Simplify database workflows with tools that let you focus on building great apps.

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AI tools that simplify your workflow

Create schemas, generate mock data, and optimize queries with tools designed to make database development faster and efficient.

AI-Generated Schemas

Automate schema creation with best practices baked in—saving hours of manual design work.

Mock Data Generator

Generate realistic, schema-aware test data instantly for seamless testing.

Query Playground

Test and optimize queries with AI-assisted suggestions for better performance.

Use AI to solve real developer problems

From startups to enterprises, Neurelo helps simplify schema design, mock data generation, and query testing.


Before neurelo

With Neurelo

Schema Design

Hours of manual effort to create schemas.

Instant schema generation using AI.

Mock Data Generation

Manual scripting or third-party tools needed.

Schema-aware mock data generated instantly.

Query Building and Testing

Time-consuming and error-prone manual tests.

AI suggests optimized queries in real-time.

Get hands-on with Neurelo today

Set up your first API, read the docs, or launch your first project—all in just a few minutes.

Read the Docs

See detailed documentation on setup, customization, and advanced features.

View Docs
Start Your Project

Connect your database and create your first API in just a few minutes, with no extra setup needed.

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